UQISA Buku untuk Anak Bangsa

"Buku untuk Anak Bangsa" adalah sebuah inisiatif pelajar dan masyarakat Indonesia di Brisbane, Australia dalam mengumpulkan buku berbahasa Inggris untuk kemudian disumbangkan secara gratis ke sekolah-sekolah, perpustakaan, dan taman bacaan di Indonesia. Siapa saja bisa memohon buku bantuan ini dengan mengontak panitia dan kemudian panitia akan menyeleksi & mengevaluasi. Blog ini merupakan dokumentasi & tempat menorehkan progress report kegiatan "Buku untuk Anak Bangsa"

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Foto-foto penerima buku di Aceh

Baru saja dapat email dari Pak Muhammad, penerima buku di Aceh:

"Mika, here are the photos of the books that you sent to my schools, SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa and SMA Negeri 1 Kutamakmur , North Aceh. These photos are the ones that I took from SMA Negeri 1 Kutamakmur whereas the ones from SMA Negeri 3 Putra Bangsa will be sent to you later because I haven't had time to go to that school yet.
Thank you very much for sending the books and if you have some more you can send them again to me and I will supply them to other schools."

Salah satu penerima buku BuAB (Buku untuk Anak Bangsa), Beranda "Abaca", merilis program "1 Orang 1 Buku" yang mengajak semua orang untuk mendonasikan buku-buku ke taman bacaan mereka.

Semoga Anda donatur berikutnya!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

2008 BuAB Statistic

All books are now in the palm of recipients' hand. Thanks for everybody who have helped this project since the very beginning until the end. BUT, it's not the end yet. There is one task left: Monitoring the book usage.

Anyway, I put the statistic from this project this year (all Australia) and some pictures from the recipients ;)

Books collected
11,159 books

2,132 kg

Collected fund
AUD $8,662.08 & IDR Rp 4,500,000

at least 40 institutions from Play Group to Universities, and Public Libraries

13 provinces, spread from DI Aceh province to Papua province
